Friday, January 25, 2013

Retreat Happenings

Good morning,

Nothing like waking up refreshed and ready to go!

 I am at the retreat preparing for a wonderful and very talented group. This group does everything from scrapbooking traditional albums to more modern digital ones. Some sew, bead, play games, read and some to just relax! Mrs. Stevens is bringing  a couple of new ladies this weekend and I can't wait to meet them. It's always fun having new ladies join our groups.

I have made a cup of coffee and sitting here blogging away while my orange pound cake cools and awaiting my granola to finish baking. Mom baked my Great Aunt Velda's apple cake last night and I am getting ready to start mixing some cookie dough. Thinking chocolate chip cookie dough nestled into a brownie sounds good to me. Just found that recipe on Pinterest and thought I would give it a whirl. We will see how they turn out.

We have lots on the agenda for this weekend. I have a beautiful family coming out to take portraits tomorrow, nothing like cute country photos near an old well, tractor, barn or on the piped fence. I can't wait to see how they turn out!

Then on Sunday our architect is coming and will step us through the building process and drawing up some plans for us. We are so excited and can't wait to see what he comes up with. Continue to say a few prayers that all is reasonable and we can add onto our crafting area. I know ya'll will love it as much as us!

Hope you all have a wonderful day~ Now back to the kitchen, UMMMMM the smells are heavenly!


Sarah said...

Mmmmm! I can smell that granola baking. Good stuff!!

Sue Kosec said...

Yummy ... I wish we were there again this week. Everything was DIVINE!!! Love the granola, too!

Dodie said...

I hear that this is a fantastic place. My sister was there last weekend.

Dodie said...
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Unknown said...

Thank you for all the sweet comments. I appreciate all of our very talented guests!

Robin said...

I miss those wonderful smells coming from your kitchen Stacy! Have a great week.
