Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring time

Spring is upon us and I love it! Spring and Fall are my favorite times of year. I love seeing all the new babies being born, flowers in bloom, spring time showers, kids playing at the park, butterflies and bees and birds flying and chirping. It all makes sense in God's big plan. I am amazed during spring when everything comes to life, just like Jesus being raised from the grave. With Easter coming this weekend, remember to notice your surroundings. Smell in the air, the flowers beginning to open up, grass getting a beautiful shade of green, all the things that prove each day that the world around us is a true gift from God and what a miracle it is. 

We always have a big lunch and Easter egg hunt at my Mom's house. We always have a lot of fun doing the "Adult" Easter egg hunt too. My Mom goes to great lengths to make our family holidays special. Thank you Mom for always bringing out the inner kids in all of us.. Now let the hunt begin, who is going to find the most eggs this year?? 

Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and a great beginning to Spring! 

May God bless you all.

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